11 tips on how to cool an apartment without air conditioning

11 tips on how to cool an apartment without air conditioning


Every day it gets hotter outside, which means that the temperature in the apartments is even higher. In the article below we will tell you how to keep the room temperature cool even without air conditioning.

Tip 1: Keep windows and doors closed

More than 30% of heat enters through windows and doors. The easiest way out of this situation is to close and, most importantly, curtain the windows with thick curtains and lower the blinds. The doors should also be closed in the morning, before the temperature starts to rise.

At night, the principle works the other way around - in order to ventilate and refresh the apartment, you need to leave all the windows and doors open (of course, you need to be very attentive to drafts).

The disadvantage of this method is that when the windows are blocked, the room will be dark. In this case, you can cover them with a special sun-reflecting film, which will transmit light but repel heat.

Tip 2: Use a fan and ice

Place a large plate of ice in front of the table fan. The air flows passing through it will be cool and refresh the room. At the same time, doors and windows must also be kept closed.

Tip 3: Remove carpets 

Walking barefoot on a bare floor, be it parquet, laminate or tile, is much more pleasant and cooler. Moreover, by removing the carpets, you will get rid of a large dust collector, and in the summer this is especially important.

Tip 4: Humidify the air

There are two options for this - a regular sprayer into which water is collected and manually sprayed into the air.  The main thing is not to overdo it with the frequency of spraying. The second option is a household humidifier, into which you can pour cold water, add ice and even a drop of essential oil.

Tip 5: Change bedding

Use linen made from cotton or natural silk - sheets and pillowcases made from these fabrics allow air to pass through but remain cool.

Tip 6: Replace the light bulbs

In order to get rid of another source of heat, we recommend replacing simple lamps with energy-saving ones. During operation, incandescent lamps emit up to 90% of the heat. Thanks to this procedure, you will not only reduce the temperature in the apartment, but also save on bills.

Tip 7: Do not use electrical appliances unnecessarily

A TV, computer, kettle and other appliances emit heat during operation, so it is better to refrain from turning them on if you can do without it. In addition to coolness, you will also save on electricity.

Tip 8: Microwave food

The less you use a gas/electric stove, the more you can retain cool air in the room, especially since summer is a great season for buying fresh vegetables and fruits, salads.

Tip 9: Use a hood

If you decide to cook something on the stove, the hood will help remove not only odors, but also all the hot steam by releasing it straight into the ventilation.

Tip 10: Cool yourself down

Drink as much cool drinks and water as possible, and eat light foods such as salads and cold snacks. Ice cream will also come in handy, as will a cool shower. The most important thing is not to overdo it with cooling so as not to catch a cold. 

Tip 11: Find an apartment with a good cooling system

On the CasaHub platform you can find thousands of excellent offers for apartments equipped with air conditioning that will definitely save you on hot days. The proposals are collected here:link

In conclusion, effectively managing your apartment's temperature on hot days can be achieved by taking simple and practical measures. Closing doors and windows, using ice fans, removing carpets, humidifying the air and choosing appropriate bedding are just a few strategies to help you maintain a cool indoor atmosphere. Reducing the use of electrical appliances, replacing traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient ones and switching to a light diet also contribute to thermal comfort. Moreover, finding an apartment with an efficient cooling system can be a long-term solution for your comfort on hot days.