House in the suburbs or apartment in the city?

House in the suburbs or apartment in the city?


Spring is a time of rebirth and change, including a change of home. In this context, there are probably many who, planning such changes, will think about choosing a private house located in one of the suburbs of the capital, rather than an apartment in the city. That is why, in the article below, we decided to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both options.

First of all, this choice should be made based on one’s own desires and needs, but there is another list of criteria that must be taken into account.

Neighbours– a very important aspect when choosing a new home. If the apartment has poor sound insulation, there is a high risk that people behind the wall will very well hear everything you do and will also be heard. At the same time, different lifestyles can cause inconvenience, such as neighbor's weekend renovations, parties, pets or small children. In the case of a private house, all these inconveniences disappear automatically.

Square– it is logical that there is more space in a private house than in an apartment. In addition, it is easier to find space in the house for a wardrobe, drying rack, storage room and other things. At the same time, in the courtyard of the house you can build a gazebo, barbecue area, swimming pool, or simply plant a garden with flowers. Obviously, an apartment cannot offer all these benefits.

Service– Of course, all the advantages of home have a downside. All of the above “pluses” require constant and significant maintenance and care, both in terms of bills (gas, water, electricity) and technical ones - mowing the lawn, caring for flowers, cleaning the pool and recreation area, snow removal, and so on. which leads to additional costs. Thus, maintaining an apartment is much cheaper, easier and requires less effort.

LocationThis is one of the most important aspects in the field of real estate selection. Thus, most apartments located in the city are located in close proximity to kindergartens, schools, offices and shopping centers. Moreover, in this case there is direct access to public transport. But at the same time, all these amenities are complemented by noise, agglomeration and traffic jams.

In the case of a suburb, the opposite is true - clean air, silence, lack of agglomeration, but at the same time - the need to have a personal car, as well as to make all daily purchases in the city. Moreover, this option becomes even less convenient if there are children in the family.

It is worth noting the fact that recently the authorities have been investing heavily in the development of the infrastructure of the suburbs, the construction of roads, schools and kindergartens, the launch of new public transport routes, etc.

Safety– it’s no secret that apartments are less likely to be broken into by thieves than private houses. Crowds of people, many neighbors, video surveillance cameras installed on each floor and in elevators serve as protection against theft. In the case of detached houses located in the suburbs, ensuring a high level of security will require the individual installation of a whole series of security devices and the conclusion of contracts with security agencies, and accordingly additional costs.

Acquisition –the price of the corresponding real estate varies depending on many factors, for example, the cost of a turnkey renovated apartment located in the city center will be an order of magnitude higher than the price of a private house located in the suburbs, and vice versa, a turnkey renovated and furnished house may have higher price than an apartment in the capital.

Based on this, from the very beginning you need to carefully analyze all the needs and preferences regarding future real estate, and based on them, make the right choice. To ease the pain of choice, below we have compiled a simplified list of the strengths and weaknesses of each type of property:

Apartment in the capital

+ More offers at reasonable prices;

+ More developed infrastructure;

+ Convenient access to educational institutions, offices, shopping centers;

+ Security at a higher level;

+ Lower utility and maintenance costs;

- Limited space;

– Availability of neighbors;

– More polluted air, agglomeration;

– Fewer possibilities for arranging space.

House in the suburbs

+ Freedom of individual arrangement;

+ Clean air, no agglomeration;

+ Lots of space;

+ Lack of neighbors;

+ Yard, individual green area;

+ Parking, individual garage;

– Maintenance costs and high bills;

– Poorly developed infrastructure, lack of public transport;

– High cost of security;

– More daily worries.

– Difficult access to educational institutions, offices, shopping centers;

If we did help you make a decision, then we suggest you analyze the catalog with the best offers for housesHEREand apartmentsHERE.


In conclusion, the choice between an apartment and a private house largely depends on the individual preferences and needs of each person. Apartments in the city provide easy access to amenities, developed infrastructure and increased security, but limit space and neighbors. On the other hand, houses in the suburbs of the capital provide freedom in design, spacious space, silence and clean air, but are associated with higher maintenance and security costs.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the final decision should take into account aspects such as personal preference, lifestyle, budget and individual needs. It is recommended that you carefully analyze all these aspects before deciding to purchase a new home.