Why choose a mortgage center?

Why choose a mortgage center?


“Customer needs are our focus”

Georgiy Shagidze,President < /i>maib

We want to help realize your dream of owning your own home. And in order to provide the necessary support, from the intention to buy a home to the receipt of the keys, maib has opened a completely specialized center.

maib Mortgage Lending Center is a place where developers, real estate agencies, insurers, appraisers and notaries join forces. Only here you can get a more simplified product, with fewer paperwork requirements. But the most important argument remains the quick approval of the loan application - up to 3 hours. In addition, a wide partner network simplifies the process of applying for a loan and purchasing the much-desired home as much as possible.

So that you can form your own objective point of view, we have collected 10 advantages of a mortgage lending center:

  • individual and specialized assistance to each client;
  • free consultation;
  • exchange of contacts of trusted partners, including: real estate agents, insurers, appraisers and notaries from all over the country;
  • clients can quickly and in one place receive all the necessary support both in the process of choosing housing and obtaining a mortgage, and in the process of drawing up documents for its purchase;
  • order and pay for a real estate assessment report directly at the mortgage center;
  • simplified process of drawing up and receiving a real estate valuation report (up to 8 working hours);
  • simplified process of issuing money;
  • separate meeting room, play area for children;
  • convenient location in the central part of the city;
  • fragrant coffee and sweets for clients.

The center's mission is to provide clients with quality, transparent and efficient services that best suit their needs.

The maib team will help you figure it out and tell you what steps you need to take to quickly become the owner of your new home.

Everything is simple and easy!


Source: maib.md