Se vinde spatiu comercial, amplasat pe str. Cuza Voda, sectorul Botanica. Suprafata totala: 325 mp.Compartimentare: 3 oficii separate (de tip inchis), un spatiu (55 mp) pentru expunerea marfurilor la comercializare, 3 blocuri sanitare.Caracteristici: - 2-ua intrari separate;- prima linie; - demisol; - toate comunicatiile racordate; - trei blocuri sanitare; - sistem de ventilare; - incalzire centralizata; - siteme de supraveghere video; - reparatie euro; - geamuri PVC; - sistem de aer conditionat;- energie electrica trifazat.Este potrivit pentru, barber shop, banca, showroom, IT, zoomagazin, etc. Acces facil la transport public in orce directii a orasului.
Andrei Bucătaru
57 of Listings
You will find out the registered area of the property, the number of owners, and you will be aware of the presence of arrests or bans.
A pleasant bonus
Along with the results of the inspection you will receive useful recommendations that will help you avoid the most common mistakes when concluding a transaction.
MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
mun. Chisinau
st. August 31 1989, 127
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