Kommercheskaya nedvizhimost pod sklad, proizvodstvo, g.Biruintsa, (7 km ot mun.Beltsy) 1. 7402106.017 - Doroga (vezd) na territoriyu, 66 sot.; 2. 7402106.291 - Uchastok (asfaltirovannyy) 51 sot., s otdelnym vezdom i storozhkoy; 3. 7402106.018 - Sklad 1300m2, bolshaya rampa (protyazhennostyu 35 m) Uchastok (asfaltirovannyy) 60 sot., s otdelnym vezdom i storozhkoy; 4. 7402106.281 - Uchastok (chastichno asfaltirovan, ogorozhen) 1,2 Ga (120 sot.);
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MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
mun. Chisinau
st. August 31 1989, 127
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