Mortgage Calculator

How much mortgage can I expect?

I receive salary in
My salary
Spouse salary:
Other income:
Monthly payments for other loans:
Total family income:
Maximum granted amount
Monthly payment:
The presented calculation is approximate, the actual payment calculation may vary slightly.

This credit implies your legal responsibility and must be repaid. Verify your repayment capacity before signing the credit contract.
Loan Term (from 1 month to 30 years)
I receive salary/pension on a maib card
Interest Rate 8.90%
Maximum granted amount
Monthly payment:
The presented calculation is approximate, the actual payment calculation may vary slightly.

This credit implies your legal responsibility and must be repaid. Verify your repayment capacity before signing the credit contract.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a pledge of real estate. Therefore, a mortgage loan means that you borrow money from a bank with interest (credit), and the guarantee that you will repay this money becomes the pledge of your real estate: house, apartment, land plot. Mortgages are usually perceived as loans for purchasing housing.

What is a mortgage calculator?

A mortgage calculator is a useful tool that helps you choose a mortgage loan program at maib and buy real estate. With its help, you can find out the down payment, interest rate, and monthly mortgage payment. All of this will help you plan your budget in advance, even before applying for a mortgage at the bank.

How to get a mortgage with a lower rate?

When you select the options for additional services that suit you, the mortgage calculator instantly recalculates the rate and the amount of the monthly payment. If you have a salary/pension card from maib, you reduce the rate by 0.4%. If you have a good credit history with maib or other banks, you can reduce the rate by 0.4%.

What income is required to get a loan?

Our mortgage calculator will also estimate the required income. Please note that as the loan term increases and, consequently, the monthly payment decreases, the requirements for your income decrease as well.

How to refinance a mortgage?

To refinance your mortgage loan, the borrower can submit an application to the bank where the mortgage loan was taken, or to another bank that will issue a new mortgage loan to repay the principal amount of the existing one.

How to calculate the amount of accrued interest?

To calculate the amount of accrued interest, multiply the interest rate by the mortgage amount, and then divide by 12.

Annuity or Differentiated Payment: What's the Difference?

  • With the annuity repayment method of a mortgage loan, you must pay the same amount every month, which includes a portion of the loan principal and the interest on it. This is convenient for budget planning and reduces the borrower's monthly income requirements.
  • The amount of differentiated payments changes each time; you need to pay less over time, but the initial payments will be higher than with the annuity method. Therefore, the income requirements for the borrower usually increase, and you will need to specify the amount to be paid each month to avoid payment delays.