Spre vinzare se ofera spatiu locativ in 2 nivele, in centrul istoric al orasului, str. Kogalniceanu. Este spatiu individual cu un proiect individual, amplasat intr-o zona foarte linistita si pazita. Cladire din anul 2000 - roca naturala. Grosimea peretului 60 cm. Finisat cu marmura, piatra, nuc, cires. Garaj este situat la etajul 1 si inclus in pret.
* Toate comunicatiile
* Reparatie euro
* Geamuri termopan
* Termoizolare
* Paza
* Terasa 18m
(v.b)Acces facil catre transportul public. In apropiere sunt: restaurante, gradinita, scoala, spital, farmacie, banca, magazine, ambasada si lacul Valea Morilor.
Pincas Eduard
38 of Listings
You will find out the registered area of the property, the number of owners, and you will be aware of the presence of arrests or bans.
A pleasant bonus
Along with the results of the inspection you will receive useful recommendations that will help you avoid the most common mistakes when concluding a transaction.
MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
mun. Chisinau
st. August 31 1989, 127
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