Se vinde apartament exclusiv cu 2 dormitoare, localizat intr-un bloc de elita a sec. Centru, str. Petru Rares. Compania de constructii Dansicons Suprafata totala : 120 mp Compartimentare: antreu, bucataria spatioasa, sufragerie, 2 dormitoare, balcon cu priveliste spre oras, bloc sanitar. Caracteristici: - design exclusiv; - mobiler italian exclusiv; - dotat cu tehnica de uz casnic; - incalzire autonoma; - pardoseala calda; - 2 aparate de aer conditionat; - curte de tip inchis; - teren de joaca pentru copii; - zone de recreere; - acces securizat; - sistem de supraveghere video si cu monitorizare. In nemijlocita apropiere a complexului gasim: ASEM, aleea Grigore Vieru, gradinite, scoli, farmacie, restaurante, puncte comerciale. Infrastructura dezvoltata, si zona cu acces facil la transport public in orice directie a orasului.
Nicolae Baran
9 of Listings
You will find out the registered area of the property, the number of owners, and you will be aware of the presence of arrests or bans.
A pleasant bonus
Along with the results of the inspection you will receive useful recommendations that will help you avoid the most common mistakes when concluding a transaction.
MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
mun. Chisinau
st. August 31 1989, 127
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