Spre vanzare casa in 3 nivele, situata in sectorul Riscani, str. S. Radautanu!
Casa dispune de o suprafata de 420 m2 + 6 ari teren
Casa este compartimentata in:
I Nivel: zona de odihna, living, bucatarie, bloc sanitar, cazangerie.
II Nivel: 3 dormitoare, 2 blocuri sanitare.
III Nivel: sala de sport, 1 dormitor.Bazin, beci, foisor, sauna.
Aceasta proprietate impresionanta se intinde pe 3 nivele, oferind un total de 420 de metri patrati de confort.
* incalzire autonoma;
* incalzire prin pardosea;
* geamuri termopan/panoramice;
* sistem de aer conditionat;
* parchet, usa blindata, usi din lemn;
* supraveghere video;
* sistem de alarma;
* garderoba;
* terasa;
* piscina;
* foisor;
* sauna;
* garaj;
* beci;ATENTIE! Imobilul poate fi cumparat in credit cu doar 30% rata initiala!
You will find out the registered area of the property, the number of owners, and you will be aware of the presence of arrests or bans.
A pleasant bonus
Along with the results of the inspection you will receive useful recommendations that will help you avoid the most common mistakes when concluding a transaction.
MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
mun. Chisinau
st. August 31 1989, 127
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