Se vinde Townhouse in 3 nivele, amplasat in sec. Buiucani, str. Junimea. Suprafata totala: 180m.p. Compartimentare: Plan parter: bucatarie, living, coridor, cabinet. Plan etaj: 3 dormitoare, bloc sanitar, hol, terasa, balcon. Caracteristici: - construit din beton armat si caramida; - fatada ventilata; - izolare termica si fonica; - geamuri panoramice; - fara blocuri inalte in impreujurime; - securitate seismica ridicata. In apropiere: scoala, gradinita, magazine, centre comerciale etc. Acces la transport public.
Victor Curchi
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MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
mun. Chisinau
st. August 31 1989, 127
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