How to write a real estate advertisement correctly

How to write a real estate advertisement correctly


It's no secret that spring is the period when the real estate market comes to life, and the number of listings for sale grows exponentially. But how can you make sure that your ad stands out from the rest, and the sale takes place as quickly as possible? Find out in the article below.

A well-written advertisement for sale is one of the key points for a quick and profitable sale of real estate, which, oddly enough, consists of several stages.

Preparing to write an ad

In order for your ad to hit the target, you first need to:

  • Study similar advertisements (by size, number of rooms, condition and location) on the market, on different sites - this will help you correctly determine the optimal and competitive price;
  • It is also worth studying advertisements for the purchase of real estate - with their help you will understand what exactly the buyers themselves are looking for at the moment;
  • Analyze all the strengths and weaknesses of your offer, understand what to focus on in the ad (new renovation, expensive equipment, excellent location).

The first stage is the preparation of the sales announcement itself.

We recommend that you put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and try to answer in the text all the questions that he may have:

  • Characteristics of the house - location, number of floors, presence of an elevator, intercom, materials from which the house is built (brick, block, monolith or panel).
  • About the apartment itself - its visual condition, presence of repairs, furniture, appliances (which you will be ready to leave to the new owners), type of heating, presence of air conditioning and thermostat, ceiling height, condition of windows, condition of plumbing, presence of heated floors.
  • It is also important to note the technical characteristics - the footage of the living space, as well as separately the footage - kitchens, the number of rooms and bathrooms (as well as their type - adjacent or separated), floor, the presence of balconies and insulation and the type of floor covering.If the apartment is on the ground floor - how low are the windows and what is in the basement, and in the case of the upper ones - the type of roof covering and insulation. Moreover, it is extremely important to describe where the windows face - on the road, on the sunny or north side.

Important: the word “owner” in most cases will help sell property 2 times faster, as it automatically inspires confidence among potential buyers and gives them the opportunity to move in immediately.

  • Additional information - you definitely won’t go wrong if you describe such factors as close location to important infrastructure facilities - shops, schools, clinics, kindergartens, public transport stops. It is also worth noting if there is a park, forest, lake or other green areas nearby.

Important: You can also mention your neighbors, but only if they are good people. The phrase in the ad “it is easy to maintain normal relations with neighbors” usually has a positive effect on the buyer.

Stage two – high-quality photographs

A good ad simply cannot do without beautiful photographs. To do this, you can invite a professional photographer, but if you decide to tackle this issue yourself, below we will describe a few key points:

  • remove everything unnecessary so that personal items do not get into the frame;
  • try to photograph from the far corners of the rooms, diagonally;
  • use wide-format shooting (often in standard mode, part of the planned frame is simply not visible;
  • Take photos only in good lighting;
  • Be careful with mirror surfaces - sellers often accidentally end up in the frame without even knowing it. To avoid this, simply change the angle of the frame;
  • photograph not only the rooms, corridor, kitchen and bathroom, balcony, but also the views from the window (if any);
  • It wouldn’t hurt to take good photographs of the façade of the house and the yard;

Important: If within a month, your offer does not receive many calls and views, the ad simply becomes blurred, and even if you reduce the price, potential buyers will scroll through it. In this case, we advise you to remove it from all sites, take other photos and publish it again.

How NOT to write a sales ad

Above, we dealt with the structure of a “correct” sales announcement, which means we will further consider standard errors that not only underestimate the final cost, but also scare away buyers:

  • Do not use combinations - “urgent sale” or “bargaining”. Buyers will perceive this as a readiness for a significant reduction in cost.
  • Do not use overly enthusiastic words and epithets. Buyers are interested in specifics.
  • Don't sugarcoat reality. “Unique view” from the window, “exclusive tiles” or “fashionable renovation” - upon inspection it will become clear that you were lying and will alienate the buyer.
  • Take the time to describe the details of the property. Ads without information or with a small number of photographs do not inspire confidence among buyers.

Important: The tips presented above will help you significantly reduce the time it takes to sell your property. At the same time, it is worth noting how important the platform on which you will place your ad is - because if it is not popular among users, no one will simply see your object.

That is why CasaHub is the ideal platform to quickly and profitably sell any property profitably and in the shortest possible time. See for yourself, place your offer here:SUBMIT AN ADVERTISEMENT.

Spring is the ideal time to sell a property, and a well-written listing is key to a quick and profitable transaction. CasaHub provides helpful tips for writing listings, encouraging sellers to research the market, highlight property features, and include relevant information. Quality photos are important, and CasaHub stands out as the ideal platform for posting fast and effective for sale listings. Avoid "hot sale" language or exaggerated descriptions; accurate details will inspire confidence in potential buyers.